FIIs and DIIs Activity-Indian Stock Markets

FIIs and DIIs Activity-Indian Stock Market

In below Table data related to FIIs and DIIs activities in Cash Segment have been placed along with change in NIFTY50 and Sensex which gives an indication as when FIIs and DIIs started Selling and Buying in Stocks.

Corelate Activities of FIIs and DIIs by Forming Below Equations:

(A)   If FIIs start selling and continue to do so for few days, the days ahead for the market may not be favourable. Therefore, one may consider selling off some quantity of stocks to buy the same stock or other quality stock later when prices correct.

(B)   Similarly, when FIIs start buying and continue, the outlook for the market is favourable/ positive. In this case, one may begin buying quality stocks to sell later when prices are up.

(C)  However, as a result of FIIs’ activity, when market corrects significantly, only then, one may start buying.



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